Monthly Archives: August 2013

KURUTHUKULLI in Guinness World record

Dr. Prakash Krishnan from  Bangalore writes :-


Once “A Guinness World record” for the “maximum number of native trees planted in one day” belongs to the KURUTHUKULLI village, Nilgiris.

On the day of June 23, 2002, 300 participants, planted 42,182 trees in just one day.
Pk for badaga
Kindly refer the link:

“So Long a Saga”, Paul Hockings’ new book on Badagas

Prof.Paul Hockings writes :-

I am pleased to tell you that “So Long a Saga”, my latest book on the Badagas of South India, has just been published in New Delhi by Manohar.

ph new book

We may or may not agree with the views of Prof.Paul Hockings about Badagas but I am sure that this book (pages 406 ,price Rs.1295/-) will add to our knowledge about our community.. – Wg Cdr JP

Great News – Bravo Rajma

I have written about the Badagas who have made us all very proud with their achievements. Rajamma of Kethorai, a teacher par excellence, is among the top on the list. The constant flow of emails/comments we get from her students proves just one thing – that she is a great person and has had very positive effects on all those who had come across her. She has been an inspiration to many but modestly states ” I know my achievement are not really great, if I could inspire at least a few in my life, that would be my achievement

Do not fail to watch  30 mts  programme about her produced by MALA MANYAN a renowned documentary film producer on  the tamil TV Channel “THANDHI”  on 24th august at 4.30 pm.

Update : This interesting programme was aired on 24-8-2013

Rajma, we are really proud of you!

The good old ‘Badaga’ – language

Some time back, Ms.Shalini Nandakumar had suggested that we give the ‘good old Badaga lullabies, ballads etc’. She wrote “How about “ondhu ondhu avarai” and “oten tan toovay “….Sorry if I’m wrong with the spelling.
I would like to teach my daughter our Baduga rhymes, So pls kindly post Baduga rhymes also.And any baduga lullaby will be the best thing to know-“

Here is a ‘folk somg’ sent by Dr.Haldorai :


ஓ குணிக்கி ஓ மிணிக்கி

அக்கிலு காப்ப கூச அள்ள ஒத்தூண்0டு ஓத்து

நிந்ந அவ்வெ கள்ளெ0க ஏ0கிலெ கண்ண நீர ஆக்கிய

நிந்ந அப்ப கள்ளா0க ஏ0கிலெ குத்தண சீலெய முச்சிந

0த0புளு 0த0புளு தோட்ட சண்0டாமிளிய நோட்ட

ராணிய கூட்டீண்0டு ஓட்ட


ō kuṇikki ō miṇikki

akkilu kāppa kūsa haḷḷa oththūṇdu hōththu

ninna avve kaḷḷega ēgile kaṇṇa nīra hākkiya

ninna appa kaḷḷāga ēgile kuttaṇa seeleya muchchina

doubḷu doubḷu thōṭṭa sandāmaḷliya nōṭṭa

rāṇiya kūṭṭīṇdu ōṭṭa

The version we used to know :

Oh Chinnakki, Oh Ponnakki,

(Oh Chinnakki, Oh Ponnakki)

Hakkilu Kaapa Koosa, Halla eththindu hothu,

(The flood water [due to heavy rains] has taken away the boy who was keeping a watch on the birds [damaging the crops]

Thanna awwayya saare hegilay, mandaiya maara sachiya,

(When you tell his mother, she grieves by beating her head and chest)

Ammaiya saare hegilay, kanna neera haakkiya,

(When you tell his little sister, she keeps weeping)

Thanna appana saare hegilay, kutthana seelaiya arachina

(when you tell his father, he looks out for the bordered white sheet [typical Badaga shawl] used for covering the deceased)

Here is another ‘song – nursery rhyme’  –

Chappatay Chappatay saga maalay,

Kombu Koludha jen(u) hadadhe,

Erolu ethiba era mookki,

Kodalee ethiba kore mooki….

Kattu kuttu maadi kappalikke

[this is sung when feeding the baby and when the last line is finishing, the ‘food’ would be put in the child’s mouth]