It will be very interesting [I hope as well as informative & motivating] to list all those BADAGAS who were / are the ‘FIRST’ in any field.Where I am not sure, I have put a question mark, so that someone may supply the correct information.

Update Apr 2016 :

This list, by no stretch of imagination, is exhaustive or exclusive. I am sure that there are many more Badagas, both men and women, who deserve to be called ‘FIRST BADAGA’ for their pioneering work in many fields.

If some have not been included, it is due to the problem of not getting ‘correct/authentic’ information. My request to all Badagas or those who know about Badagas is, please forward the details/names of individuals [if possible with photos] whom you think should be featured in this page. It will be a great pleasure and honour to include them in this list. After all, the idea behind this topic of FIRST BADAGA is to serve as an inspiration and motivation young Badagas. – Wg Cdr JP

Rao Bahadur HJ Bellie Gowder
[Hubbathalai > married Nanji Ammal from Jakkadha, 18?? – 1935]


-First Badaga to be honoured by the British with ‘ Rao Sahib & Rao Bahadur’ titles ( late 1920s)

  • [probably] First to speak in Eleven Languages including Badaga, Toda, Kotha, Kuruma, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam,Telugu, English, Hindi & Spanish and write in all where the script existed WITHOUT ANY FORMAL EDUCATION – GOING TO ANY SCHOOL (his mother stopped him from attending a make shift school run by a Badaga in his verandah – thenai as she was scared that the teacher would punish him as Bellie Gowda as a child was a prankster).
  • First to open a school at Hubbathalai (later named after him) basically to cater to Badaga students [a hostel was also built for them].
  • Credited with building tracks for the Nilgiri Mountain Railway from Mettupalayam to Ooty in early 1900s. A railway bridge near Lovedale station is named after him.
  • Brought many path breaking reforms in the Badaga Community.
  • He was the undisputed ‘King [Naakku Betta Leader]’ of the Nilgiris during his life time. A musical gramophone record was brought out by HMV titled ‘Bahadur Bellie Gowda, Naakku Bettaga Raja’. The singer was from Jakkadha.
  • It was said, ‘Bellie Gowda Ayyana mane kitchu, kedodhe illey – The fire in the hearth/kitchen in Bellie gowda’s house was always burning’ meaning there was a constant stream of visitors to his house. His wife Nanji Hethe, a stickler for cleanliness, would personally fetch fresh water from a stream at a considerable distance from Hubbathalai Hatti though there plenty of servants.
  • He would present a gold block semi conical shaped like a jaggery – bella piece to any Hubbathalai girl who was getting married.
  • He was one of the very few who had a phone connection in the Nilgiris in early 1900s. His phone number was in two digits and less than 20. The phone he had was the old classical two piece type – separate ear piece and hand held mouth piece.

Rao Bahadur HB Ari Gowder
[Hubbathalai > married Gauri Ammal from Jakkadha, 4-12-1893 – 26-6-1971)

– First Badaga Graduate, Presidency College , Madras (1920?)

  • First Badaga to tour the world (1930)
  • First Badaga to lead an Indian Delagation (World Scout Jumboree in Hungary)(1930)
  • First Badaga MLA & MLC (1940)
  • First son (after his father Rao Bahadur HJ Bellie Gowder) also to be honoured with Rao Bahadur title.

[Thangadu >13 Nov 1908 – 1964]

– Fist Badaga Lawyer
– First President of the local Bar Association
– First Chairman of the Udhagamandalam Municipal Council (UMC) after Independence
He was trustee of institutions like the Assembly Rooms and the Lawley Institute.
When this district was in dire need of a higher education facility, Mr.Lingan became a member of a 14-member committee headed by Rao Bahadur HB Ari Gowder, which was instrumental in the Government Arts College coming into being here during 1955. [ Info courtesy – Devaraj Rangan, Porore]

KM Sevannah Gowder
[Bearhatty > married Sarojini Madhan from Hulikal, 1915 – 1999, Mrs.Akkama Devi’s elder brother]

– First Engineer [B.E (Mech) – Madras University]

  • First Professor (?) Engineering College Guindy & GCT, Coimbatore,

Mrs. Akkama Devi
[Bearatty – married > HB Joghee Gowder [HB Ari Gowder’s brother] from Hubbathalai, 1917 – ]
photo from The Hindu

– First Badaga woman graduate

  • First Badaga woman MP


[Yedapalli > married from ? > 19??- 19??]
– First Badaga M.B.B.S doctor

Dr. Krishnan
[Thangadu >married > Michi Ammal from Kiya Kundhe, Birth & death years ??]

First LMP Doctor


First Journalist – ANDI GOWDER DHARMALINGAM ( Kanerimukku Village) Married to N.Thangamma from Dhimhatty He was a reporter for the ‘Madras Mail’ and later for ‘The Hindu’ from the late 1940’s until 1973. After his retirement from ‘The Hindu’, he continued to work as a journalist for the news agency, UNI (United News of India) till his death.

During his illustrious career he rubbed shoulders with personalities such as K.Kamaraj and M.Bhaktavatsalam (former Chief Minister of the State).He also had the privilege of meeting and interacting with leaders of colonial India like Lord Monutbatten and also our first Prime Minister Nehru and Indira Gandhi. Through such interesting anecdotes from his life, his legacy as a journalist still lives on, inspiring generations of writers in our family.( info courtesy – Ms.Maanasi Sridhar)

M.K. Bhat – Full name – Mr. Muthiah Kariabettan,

(Muttinadu, Married to Mrs.Devaki from Mel Hosatty,1912-1969)

First State Officer who retired as Joint Registrar of Co-op Society (info courtesy Kariabettan Sugumar)

Dr. Haliah
[Muttinaadu > married to Parvathi [Karuppi] from Ketchigatti, B & D yrs…? ]

– First Ph.D

  • First Dean [Karnataka]

HA Bhojraj
[Hubbathalai > married to Rukmani from Ketchigatti, 1923-1997, HB Ari Gowder’s son]

Sketch by grandson Abhimanyu

HA Bhojraj  Sketch by grandson Abhimanyu

– First South India Golf Champion (Won many tournaments in Golf)

Justice EJ Bellie
[Eethorai > married Vimala from Bearatty, 193? -2015 ]

– First High Court (Madras) Judge

Colonel J Nandhi
[born Kerkandi > married to Indrani from Mullimalai, 194? -]

– First [engineer] Colonel in the Army
Also played in Madras University Football Team

H.R. Ravikumar
[Hubbathalai > married to Aruna from Thangaadu,  1944 -]

– First Badaga to play and captain the Madras University hockey team. 

– First to play for Madras [Tamil Nadu] State team in hockey in 1965


[Ketti>…] Advocate


First to play football for Madras University

T. Gopal
[Mel Bikkatti (Ketti) > married Sushila from Ketchigatti, 1947 – ]

– First Engineer who established a heavy industry (manufacturing heavy industrial boilers, GM of India Meters) & now a software company for SMEs known throughout the world. He has many firsts – I am trying to gather the details

Wing Commander Bellie Jayaprakash
[Born and brought up at Hubbathalai and father’s hatti – Bearatty > married > Tara from Hubbathalai, 1948 – ]

– First [engineer] Wing Commander in Air Force(?)

  • First to play hockey for Air Force
  • First to be the selector for Services[ Joint Army,Navy & Air Force] hockey team in the National level
  • First NIS Coach in Hockey (Diploma in Coaching]
  • First to pass both basic [HMI, Darjeeling] & advanced [NIM, Utterkashi] mountaineering courses with alfa-instructor grading [cleared for expeditions]
  • First to be associated with Asian Games (1982) as Joint Director, Asian Games Village & Dy. Director (Protocol)

M. Somasundaram and his younger brother  Devarajan

[Pororai – lived in Kil Bikkatti.  Devarajan married to  Sumathi ]

First two IIT, Madras  graduates  in 1977 and 1978 respectively. They are from Pororai  village. Their parents : ( late) Madia Gowder and Lakshmi Madian.   Both brothers reside in the US.

[Melur Adigaratti > married .., 19?? – ]

– First IAS Officer {through UPSC}

[Eethorai > married >.. 19?? – ]

– First Cabinet Minister [DMK] of Tamil Nadu State

Mrs. Sundari
[Karimora – married > ? 194? – ]

– First woman professor(?) [Avinashilingam Home Science College,CBE] in 1960s

Flight Lieutenant KN Ravi
[Ketchigatti, 195? – 198? died in a tragic air accident]

– First Helicopter Pilot in IAF

[Pudhuhatti near Ithalar > married to Anitha from Gaikandi > 1973 -]


– First IFS [Indian Forest Service officer -direct entry]

Sivagami Nanda

– First IPS officer

K Premkumar

[Naihatty > Married Sharmila- aka- Seema from Kil Kundha, 1964 – ]

– First (engineer) columnist to write a regular technical analysis on shares – stock market, in ‘Business Line’ – The Hindu Group – First Badaga to have passed CMT (Chartered Market Technician, A USA based degree) and came first in the World ranking.

Wing Commander Saravanan
[Melur > married > …]

-First Fighter Pilot in IAF

Squadron Leader Urmila Bheeman
[Muligoor >…]

– First Woman commissioned Officer in IAF



First to act and direct a Tamil Movie in late 80s (info courtesy Dr.Rajkumar Krishnan)

[Yellanalli >…..??]

– First to act as the hero of a Badaga Movie ‘KALA THAPPIDHA PAYILU’ [1970s?]

Saravanan.S writes [25 May 2008] :

We, J.B. Santhosh Kumar from Thuratty, Mekala.C from Atthigal, and myself Saravanan.S from Peria Hubbathalai are the first three badagas who have cleared CMT (Certified Medical Transcriptionist) exam conducted by AAMT (American Association of Medical Transcription) in year 2007. Only 2700 professionals have cleared this exam worldwide out of million professionals in this field. For reference, our names can be seen in AHDIorg. com.


(Kil Kowhatty)
–  First  Badaga , who has got a COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSE [ pune in april 2009], 28 years old. [Info from KK Bellie, Kundhachappai]

Nivedita Bhojaraj

[Oranalli, Thangadu]


First female IFS officer. Came 11th in All India merit

ARJUNAN from kotagiri (hatty—–),

football player in corps of EME presently doing the refree in the ongoing IFA tournament.Today (09 sep 09) he is one of the refree in the match between MOHAN BAGAN VS CHIRAG UNITED at saltlake stadium in Calcutta. (Courtesy ESPN) Mr ARJUNAN is the member of ALL INDIA FOOTBALL ASSOSIATION REFREE’S PANEL.Also tried for FIFA referee panel 4 years  (info – Anand Ramachandran)

R.Rajammal (Kethorai)

It has been an unforgettable day for the 47-year-old first generation learner from the Badaga community, R Rajammal, who is a teacher of Tambaram Kendriya Vidhyalaya (No.2) won the annual award for Teaching Staff 2008 of the Kendriya Vidhayalaya Sangatan (KVS, the apex body that manage KVs in the country). She is credited to be the first woman from the Badaga community to win the award since its inception more than 2 decades ago. This award is given on the Teacher’s Day of every year and it is given for not only the academic performance including students’ results and their experience, but also involves their service towards the community as well as developing innovative teaching methods [The Times of India, Chennai (Saturday, September 6, 2008)] – info sent by – Santhosh Kumar J.B.

Dr. Hariprakash (Soraigundu, Ketti)

Has completed his doctorate from IISc, Bangalore and received young scientist award from HP in Japan. (info courtesy L.Gandhi, Soraigundu)

Dr. Guna Magesan ( Melur Hosahatty)

Dr Guna Magesan JP, a senior scientist with Scion (Crown Research Institute) in Rotorua, New Zealand,has been recognized as one among the 100 best Indians in the world and is one of only a handful of non-political personalities included in the list.[]. Did his PhD degree at Massey University. After completion, he worked for three Crown Research Institutes at different times in Palmerston North, Hamilton and Rotorua.

[Info courtesy – Sendil Halan & Sashikumar N.C)

Vivek. M, ( son of  Mohanraj from T. Mynalai)

1. First FIDE rated (Chess) player from the Nilgiris. FIDE ID: 5064139
2. National Instructor (FIDE certified Chess Trainer) – One among 67 in the  world

(Vivek’s e-mail ID : Phone #: 09787808000)

[Refer website: and for more details]

[Info courtesy – Sashikumar NC]

Dr.Bhojraj(son of Hala Gowder and Rukkiammal, Kiyoor Kokkalada village, Mekkunadu seeme.)

First Scientist in ISRO. Worked with Dr.APJ Abdul Kalaam

[info courtesy Santhos Kumar]

Update – Apr 2016 :

This list, by no stretch of imagination, is exhaustive or exclusive. I am sure that there are many more Badagas, both men and women, who deserve to be called ‘FIRST BADAGA’ for their pioneering work in many fields.

If some have not been included, it is due to the problem of not getting ‘correct/authentic’ information. My request to all Badagas or those who know about Badagas is, please forward the details/names of individuals [if possible with photos] whom you think should be featured in this page. It will be a great pleasure and honour to include them in this list. After all, the idea behind this topic of FIRST BADAGA is to serve as an inspiration and motivation young Badagas. – Wg Cdr JP


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82 responses to “FIRST BADAGA

  1. R Padmanabhan

    My father N Ramachandran represented Airforce and the Services in both athletics and football wai back between 1954 and 1970

    Meera Ravindran of Achanakal is the first Badaga girl to become a Naval officer. She passed out of the INA on 28th May 2022

    Please send a photo of your father and more details of his sporting career. I was the Secretary of Air HQs Sports Command and Air Force Sports Control board. I had played hockey for IAF and was the Services Hockey selector for many years. Did my NIS coaching in Hoekey. Was Dy Director,Protocol, during 1982 Asian Games.
    I am sure he would remember (late) Wg.Cdr. SS Hakeem.

    Very proud of Meera’s achievement as the First Badaga Naval Officer
    (Wg Cdr Bellie Jayaprakash)


  2. Really inspirational one and everyone can update if you have detailed information to support JP Ayya to update further. Please take this as purely inspirational and omissions and corrections could be brought to his knowledge. We bow you for your wonderful work to keep our community
    people updated and encouraging. Regards

    Thank you for your kind words, Mahesh – Wg Cdr JP


  3. Dr.Bhojraj – (son of Hala Gowder and Rukkiammal, Kodalatty)
    First Scientist in ISRO. Worked with Dr.APJ Abdul Kalaam
    Correction required: Dr. Bhojraj hails from Kiyoor Kokkalada village, Mercunad seeme. He is my relative.



  4. Dear JP sir, apart from govt officials there are so many business entrepreneur from nilgiris and they represent our eeramasi ethae as their brand as ‘EERAMASI FLORA’ and ‘RISHI FLORA’.If you permit i get some more details and furnish the same.


  5. There were many football players from HPF OOTY. who represented Tamilnadu state.

    Why we could not produce the next IITians from our community for at least 40 years now? I hope to see a few in the next few years. Good work, Saravana anyway.


  6. Mr. Vignesh Shankar of Bygamund Village (Son of Mr. Shankar – HPF) is supposedly the first Post Graduate from the Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad (IIM-A), cleared in 2014. He was meritoriously awarded Gold Medal during his Graduation in National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) in the year 2010.


  7. I am proud of Ms.Rajamma who belongs to our (Kudumba) in Kethorai Village.


  8. Smt. Indu K.Mallah

    A list like this, should be objective, and not subjective; there are glaring omissions in ‘The First BadagaList.’

    This list, by no stretch of imagination, is exhaustive or exclusive. I am sure that there are many more Badagas, both men and women, who deserve to be called ‘FIRST BADAGA’ for their pioneering work in many fields. If some have not been included, it is due to the problem of not getting ‘correct/authentic’ information. This page definitely needs updating. While I am not sure about the ‘subjective and objective’ differentiation and ‘who are the omitted people’, my request to all Badagas or those who know about Badagas is, please forward the names of individuals whom you think should be featured in this page. It will be a great pleasure and honour to include them in this list. After all, the idea behind this topic of FIRST BADAGA is to serve as an inspiration to motivate young Badagas. – Wg Cdr JP


  9. Vijayanand V.

    A beautiful work. Still we have lot more depth in our community as of to my inner sense this is a little we have to go lot more to find our beginning.

    Always Badaga thirst


  10. Paul Hockings

    While it is widely said that H.B. Ari Gr. was the first Badaga university graduate, there was in fact an earlier graduate from Madras University who was a Badaga Christian.

    Dear Prof.Paul Hockings, my email to get the details of the ‘so called’ First Badaga Graduate has not been replied so far. Can I assume that your information that there was in fact an earlier graduate from Madras University who was a Badaga Christian’ is wrong? – Wg Cdr JP


  11. I am really proud to be a Badaga….first of all I congratulate all those who have achieved success from our community.I lik to congratulate my neighbour friend and brother capt.Thirulok. I know him from my child hood;so happy to see him as a captain. All the best for his future.


  12. Kamal Prasad

    One more first as per my knoweledge, Mr. T.K. Ajjan from Thummanatty is the first Superintendent of Engineer (PWD).

    Please give complete details about Mr.Ajjan – Wg Cdr JP


  13. Really this is very helpful to know Badaga people.I am proud to be a Badaga



    Son of Late Warrant Officer Melur Murugan Raman (Indian Air Force) An alumni of Military School Bengaluru now called Rashtriya Military School, commissioned in the Corps of Engineers of Indian Army on 10 December 1994 presently posted at Bengaluru.


  15. sasikumar raju

    I would suggest to change the background colour of this site. rest of all is fine…

    Done..Blue for the Blue Mountains. Thanks for the feedback – JP





  17. Gokul Ramalingam

    I am proud to know my history


  18. Mr.Bhojaraj (B.E – Mech) from kokkalada village is the first scientist in ISRO, also he has work experience with our former president A.P.J. ABDUL KALAAM

    Pl send a photo of Mr.Bhojraj and names of his parents and wife. Thanks – Wg Cdr JP



    I am very proud to inform you all that CAPT. TIRULOK has successfully completed and upgraded his level of achievements as First Badaga Pilot and making all the Badagas to feel proud to fly with a Bagada guy as PILOT.


  20. Prabhakar from Appukodu/Angadihatty is the first Badaga journalist to be nationally recognized and has been awarded the ‘Best Journalist Award’ for 2012 by the Construction Industry Development Council (Vishwakarma Awards 2012 CIDC – Planning Commission).


  21. Excellentinformation. One additional information.

    AARTHI BELLIE, grand daughter of ex-M.P.Nanja Gowder and daughter of mine, first Badaga girl to complete the ‘Chartered Accoiuntant’ course, to become a CA.She completed simultaneously this CA course along with her B.Com degree, with Gold Medal in PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.


  22. Bala

    Excellent data, great going…. Hope everybody would share their views and findings in order to know our community’s strength much more….
    Kindly update with photos which would create a better pitch.
    Thanks to all…. for your splendid work…


  23. Maanasi.R.Sridhar

    Sir, firstly congratulations on putting together such an insightful and organized website about the Badaga community. Your work has definitely enriched my knowledge of the finer nuances of our culture. As I was going through your work , I was pleasantly surprised to come cross a mention of my grandfather
    A. Dharmalingam ,in your ‘first badaga’ category. However , I felt just the mere mention of his name didn’t do justice to his identity. So, I felt it was my duty to provide the following information. Hope you will find it useful for your website. Thank you very much!

    First Badaga Journalist – ANDI GOWDER DHARMALINGAM ( Kanerimukku Village)
    Married to N.Thangamma from Dhimhatty
    He was a reporter for the ‘Madras Mail’ and later for ‘The Hindu’ from the late 1940’s until 1973.
    After his retirement from ‘The Hindu’, he continued to work as a journalist for the news agency, UNI (United News of India) till his death.
    During his illustrious career he rubbed shoulders with personalities such as K.Kamaraj and M.Bhaktavatsalam (former Chief Minister of the State).He also had the privilege of meeting and interacting with leaders of colonial India like Lord Monutbatten and also our first Prime Minister Nehru and Indira Gandhi.
    Through such interesting anecdotes from his life, his legacy as a journalist still lives on, inspiring generations of writers in our family.




  25. anand ramachandran


    On Sep 2011 an international football friendly match between ARGENTINA and VENEZUELA IS TO BE PLAYED AT SALT LAKE STADIUM KOLKATA. The football greats like MESSI,TAVEZ are part of the Argentina team. For this match 4 FIFA Referees are selected. AJJAGOWDER ARJUNAN (A PROUD BADAGA) is one of the Refree. All badagas are invited to watch the match.(At least for the proud badaga).you can also watch the match on sports channels from 7pm.


    • mlle_sumathi

      Wow !

      That must be a life time experience to watch / referee football greats from the south american countries.

      Congrats to AA for this unique achievement.


  26. anand ramachandran

    Lakshmi Ram (Kannan) a Badaga from Muttinadu village is the first actor,director and co-producer in Tamil film ‘MAAYAI’ which is to be released soon.let us support for the success of the film and for a bright future.


  27. kalaivani(airhostess)

    Hi Triloke, this is your follower, I tried to wish you for the past 3years.. my hearty congratulations……….! all the very best for your future life…!


  28. J R Natarajan from Jakkadha (Jagathala) is the first person (Badaga) to play for Indian Hockey Team in 2002. He played alongside legendary Dhanraj Pillay and other great players.

    Even Dhanraj Pillay’s birth place in Nilgiris, near to Jakkadha hatti [or Wellington] is a place called Babu Village, which has been rejuvenated as Carnival hills.

    His position: Left back Works for: India Railways Designation: TTE

    Fathers Name: Raman (Jakkadha Hetha gudi poojari)

    Another person called Ganesh from Karakorai village (Near to Jakkadha) played for Indian Junior Hockey Team in 2005 and got his placement in Indian Railways.

    Thanks for the info ; I was closely associated with this game[hockey], right from my childhood and did my NIS Coaches course in 1977-78 in Hockey and that game has always remained as my first love. Pl send their photos – Wg Cdr JP


  29. manikandan (jogee bickol)

    Hi JP Sir, you are doing a very good job.I am very happy in Congo now. I am, daily, waiting for your posts/collections. Thank you.


  30. hi everybody


  31. Sridhar (Chetty Gowder) (Melcowhatty)

    I am very very proud to be BADAGA.


  32. Senthilkumar (Bygamandhu)

    I am proud to be a Badaga





  34. Sumathi Devarajan (USA)

    Thank you for a wondeful spot to visit and learn about our warm Badaga community.
    I wanted to add my brother-in-law M. Somasundaram and his younger brother Dev Devarajan( my husband) as the first 2 IIT graduates from Madras in 1977 and 1978 respectively. They are from Pororai village. Their parents : ( late) Madia Gowder and Lakshmi Madian, who lived in Kil Bickatty. Both brothers reside in the US.



    I am really proud to be a Baduga.


  36. Niveditha Bojarajan

    First of all I thank u for adding my name in the list…This blog is so informative and inspiring too…I pray God may the list of achievers in our Badaga community go unending…My wishes for creating such a wonderful blog….


  37. Will you help me to Add the Photo of the first Hero of the Badaga Film. I got the Photo.


  38. really babugas dance is very super.i want to join badugas family


  39. Vivek B.Manihatty

    R.Rajammal (Kethorai) – this year also hasbeen selected for President’s award for best teacher. Probably she will receive the award this month. Badaga people should proud of this achievement and my best wishes for her to get many more.

    Hearty congrats to Ms.Rajammal. We are proud of you – JP


  40. Vivek Manihatty

    very nice to see all our badaga community details.


  41. Praveenkumar (USA)

    I think, you left out Devarajan IAS, Secretary-III to the Chief Minister, Tamil Nadu.



    Proud to be born as a Badaga


  43. Ranganathan Raman

    I am really proud for best achievement of Vivek M in FIDE Chess who is one among not only in our country but in the world. May God be with him for his many more success in future too. Best of luck Vivek.


  44. Sashikumar N.C.

    Please add the following info in the First Badaga Blog.

    Mr. Vivek .M son of Mohanraj from T. Mynalai, who is the

    1. First FIDE rated (Chess) player from the Nilgiris. FIDE ID: 5064139
    2. National Instructor (FIDE certified Chess Trainer) – One among 67 in the world.

    Refer website: & for more details.

    Vivek’s e-mail ID :
    Phone Number: 09787808000


  45. Ranganathan, Muttinadu

    Much interesting. We can gather some more information. Go ahead. I congratulate Dr Guna Magesan from Melur Hosahatty for his achievement. Presenty, I am in SUDAN which located near Ethopia & Egypt for Peace Keeping Force.

    Hello Ranga, nice to know that you are part of IPKF in Sudan. Way back in 1987, I was part of IPKF at Srilanka. Best Wishes from one fauji to another – Wg Cdr JP



      Dear Ranganathan, This is your classmate PRAKASH from Godalatty. How are you. Nice to see your comment on this site. Wish you all the best. Thanks for Wg Cdr JP for giving this opportunity to connect with BADAGAS.


  46. Sashikumar N.C.

    One more person to be included in “First Badaga” list. Dr. Guna Magesan from Melur Hosahatty who lives in New Zealand at present has become the first BADAGA who has been recognized as one among the 100 best Indians in the world. Let’s congratulate him for this achievement!


  47. Rachita Yogesh

    I just went through your blog…it was really informative…There are few more people I would like to mention about and their achievements…’s really great to know about our communities achievements.. ..I feel proud to be one among all….I will mail you and let you know….thank you once again…

    Hello Rachita, Please send the info, if possible with photos. It will be my great pleasure to put them up in my website – Wg Cdr JP


  48. Very prouddd to be a Badaga


  49. I am trying to reach Ms.Prema, a Badaga, my best friend during 1986-1990 when i was in school. father name Mr.Nanjundan and she married to Mr.Prabakar. She used to live in Coonoor. Prem, if u happen to see this please reply to my mail… No day I have not thought about you.


  50. Ranganathan

    I am very proud to be a Badaga. Thanks for giving more info about our community.


  51. Ranganathan

    I am very proud to be a Badugu. I know very well about Anand Ramachandran(if I am not wrong he is also called as Iyyappa) He was my classmate. Initially he join as a soldier in Indian Army in corps of Engineer as a clerk. Due to his continued hardwork he achieved higher promotion (commissioned as Officer). My best wishes to him and his family. I also came to know that Naveditha Bojan is a first lady IF officer in our community.


  52. Gokulakannan

    Really Interesting . I m a Hindu (Kongu Vellelar Gounder) but I m crazy to know about Baduga . I read some interesting things . Thank you .


  53. Prof. NJ Ravichandran [Ex Airforce]

    Dear Wing Commander BJP, It is heartening to note that you have taken a tremendous effort in getting these information.I also feel proud that it has been done by a former AF officer.

    Prof. NJR, Thanks for your kind comments. I am doubly happy that these comments are from a ‘Fauji’, that too from the IAF fraternity – JP


  54. shasi sekar

    Good work……Hope you verify the correctness of the list of firsts and then you post it,because these info should not hurt others (if they were left out without your knowledge)

    I agree with you completely. “First Badaga” is an attempt to motivate and inform others to the best of my knowledge. It is subject to additions / alternations /correctness and confirmation. I only hope those who have the knowledge and information to let me know. By no means, ‘First Badaga’ is a complete list. More will be added as soon as I come to know- JP


  55. M.Bharathy (Kappachi)

    I like very much every thing in this website. Very interesting, we can add some more details. Fantastic


  56. A.SIVASHANKER (Aravenu) from Hosur

    The informations are cool..Can I get any a ppt slides for the HISTORY……….


  57. hi am very glad to see this site


  58. mlle_sumathi

    Green is go..ood! eco and a la mode – climate change and save the earth making the rounds in all the news channels !!!!!


  59. My heart felt wishes to Mr.Tirulok, on his success of becoming the first commercial Pilot in the history of Badaga Community. Capt.Tirulok, its not only a proud moment for you alone, but so it is to the entire community. I empathize the hurdles & the bottle necks that you could have gone through in the process of becoming a qualified Pilot. I appreciate your courage & confidence to have chosen this challenging career as your own! I salute your dedication, hard work & the support from your family which has brought you this far!!!

    Congrats once again on becoming a young achiever & I hope you will stand as a great source of inspiration for many other ambitious ones! I look up to you for more achievements…. Jai Ho Mr.Captain!


  60. Basavaraj Santhosh Kumar

    According to the The Times of India, Chennai (Saturday, September 6, 2008):-

    It has been an unforgettable day for the 47-year-old first generation learner from the Badaga community, R Rajammal, who is a teacher of Tambaram Kendriya Vidhyalaya (No.2) won the annual award for Teaching Staff 2008 of the Kendriya Vidhayalaya Sangatan (KVS, the apex body that manage KVs in the country). She is credited to be the first woman from the Badaga community to win the award since its inception more than 2 decades ago. This award is given on the Teacher’s Day of every year and it is given for not only the academic performance including students’ results and their experience, but also involves their service towards the community as well as developing innovative teaching methods.


  61. mlle_sumathi

    congratulations to Arjunan for this unique achievement. football is one of the sports which enthralls humans irrespective of any differences in religion, geography or gender .
    Given the similarities that we badagas share with the european world ,including, love for football, this achievement of Arjunan is really commendable and to be documented for the future.


  62. anand ramachandran

    this is about ARJUNAN from kotagiri (hatty—–),he is a army men (EME) a football player in corps of EME presently doing the refree in the ongoing IFA tournament.Today (09 sep 09) he is one of the refree in the match between MOHAN BAGAN VS CHIRAG UNITED at saltlake stadium in calcutta. (Courtesy ESPN) ARJUNAN is the member of ALL INDIA FOOTBALL ASSOSIATION REFREE’S PANEL.Also tried for FIFA refree panel 4 years back ?(i dont know the result since i lost his contact for last four years) In my opinion he must be in the list of first badagas.


  63. magesh.d (ebbanad)

    i am very proud to be baduga. Congrates to all achievers.


  64. i am happy to give the following information about Mr.tirulok in the first Badaga column, who has successfully completed with a COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSE in pune on april 2009,the first youngest man in our community, 28 years old. Born and brought up from kilkowhatty village.


  65. i am happy to give the following information about Mr.tirulok in the first Badaga column, who has successfully completed with a COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSE in pune. on april 2009.


  66. radekamurali

    why is it that you have not included Mr.Devaraj IAS, now secretary to CM in the first Badaga column?

    JP replies: Devaraj Mathan IAS, is a contemporary of mine, though I have not had the good fortune to meet him so far. If I am not mistaken, Devaraj, is not a direct IAS officer through the AI Civil Services Exam. That credit goes to Sunderdevan. But I am sure Devaraj, qualifies to be put up in the First Badaga Page for many other things. Only problem is that I do not have the information. Please send the info not only about Devaraj but others Badagas whose names have not been included ONLY due to lack of correct info.


  67. Shyamaa Priya Satdish Kumar

    I am proud to be a Baduga. I felt very good knowing more details about our community people who have achieved.

    By the way, what should be the correct way to call us – BADUDA or BADAGA ?—JP


  68. anand ramachandran muttinadu

    i am very proud to be a muttinadian
    since already two great people are in the list from my village
    i am a special list officer in indian army commisioned in 2007 presently captain (may be the first ?? special list officer from our community)


  69. Sashikumar Natarajan Chandran

    Dear All,
    Congrates to all achievers. This is a proud moment for me since this stature motivates young minds who want to explore the value of our community. My sincere appreciations to Wing Comm. JP sir for his great efforts to compile such motivating facts.

    A proud moment for the Badaga community!


  70. I know Nivedita and her family very well

    Radhika Murali, wrote in July :recently i have read that Niveditha Bojan is the first IFS lady officer in our community.see if u can update on those details.thank u

    JP adds on 05-11-08: updated


  71. radhika murali

    Recently i have read that Niveditha bojan is the first ifs lady officer in our community. See if you can update on those details.thank you.

    JP 5-11-08; updated with photo


  72. Saravanan. S

    It is great honor to show our response, because we J.B. Santhosh Kumar from Thuratty, Mekala. C from Atthigal, and myself Saravanan.S from Peria Hubbathalai are the first three badagas who have cleared CMT (Certified Medical Transcriptionist) exam conducted by AAMT (American Association of Medical Transcription) in year 2007. Only 2700 professionals have cleared this exam worldwide out of million professionals in this field. For reference, our names can be seen in AHDIorg. com.


  73. Santosh Bojarajan

    It’s a good effort … my best wishes !!

    Can even try to implement photo gallery . Love to see images of festivals from beragani and other places ….


  74. I am proud to be a Badaga and also I am proud of my hatty(Hubbathalai)


  75. It’s very nice to know more details about Badagas in this site. I belong to Binchigal Village which is near to Nanjanad Village.


  76. joghee mahendran

    no words to praise my community ,lets be passionate and do good to our community .




  78. I am highly impressed with the details mentioned in this site.

    I am feeling extremely proud to be a Badaga, after reading all these details.

    Great work!!

    If you want me to spread the fame and details of Badaga, pls contact me at 98456 50402. I am ready to extend every help possible.


  79. Its very good to know so many facts. Fantastic job!! I am from Karimora and the only grandson of Sevannah Gowder.


  80. rakesh babu

    I am proud to be a Baduga


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